Coronavirus Update
In person Sunday School gatherings have resumed for some groups. The Upper Room Class meets weekly on Sundays at 9:45am in the Upper Room classroom and via Zoom. The class is led by various speakers chosen by the program committee. The Shepard class also meets in person for a discussion-based lesson in the Shepard classroom. Children's Sunday school meets weekly at 10:00am in the Colleseum classroom. These classrooms are located upstairs in the Education Building. All are welcome! Contact Paige for more meeting information.
In person Sunday School gatherings have resumed for some groups. The Upper Room Class meets weekly on Sundays at 9:45am in the Upper Room classroom and via Zoom. The class is led by various speakers chosen by the program committee. The Shepard class also meets in person for a discussion-based lesson in the Shepard classroom. Children's Sunday school meets weekly at 10:00am in the Colleseum classroom. These classrooms are located upstairs in the Education Building. All are welcome! Contact Paige for more meeting information.
Sunday School Classes
Children (Ages 3 through 5th grade) meet upstairs in the Colosseum classroom around 10:00am on Sunday mornings. Feel free to grab a doughnut from the Fellowship Hall and bring it with you as we gather starting at 9:45am. This year, we are using the curriculum Celebrate Wonder. Children will learn Bible stories and have the chance to practice spiritual practices that go along with these.
Nursery is available for children under three years old.
Click here for information about the Children's Ministry.
Nursery is available for children under three years old.
Click here for information about the Children's Ministry.
Youth (6th through 12th grade) meet upstairs in the Youth Room. In a Bible Study format.
Each week students study lessons in correlation to Sunday Service.
For more information about our Youth Ministry, click here.
Each week students study lessons in correlation to Sunday Service.
For more information about our Youth Ministry, click here.
The Shepard Class is for the "sandwich generation." Class lessons and discussions revolve around a variety of topics and issues affecting the modern Christian church and their impact on the lives of class members. The class meets upstairs in room 212.
The Upper Room is one of the largest Sunday School Classes which meets upstairs in room 213. The program committee researches and explores topics of interest to class members. Speakers or facilitators include members of the class as well as guest speakers. Topics include Bible study, theology, social issues, and spiritual growth.