Some of Central's spiritual growth groups are meeting in person and some are meeting online. Please contact the contact person listed below or the church office for more information about a specific group or meeting.
Bible Studies, Prayer Groups, and Spiritual Growth

Tuesday Night Bible Study/Discussion Group 5:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall
The Tuesday Evening Bible Class meets on Tuesday evenings at 5:00pm in the Fellowship Hall. Make sure to BYOB (Bring Your Own Bible). Everyone is welcome. Contact Andy Crosland at 864-216-5268 for more information.
Men's Fellowship Breakfast - A men's breakfast group meets Mondays at 7:30 am in the Fellowship Hall and goes to Papa's Breakfast Nook on St. John for breakfast and fellowship together.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild members, a group of volunteers, prepare the altar for all worship services including Lent, Advent, weddings, and funerals. These ladies meet after church several times a year.
United Women in Faith
United Women in Faith are involved in a variety of ministries. They meet on the second Monday of each month, Sept. - May at 10:30AM in various locations. Meetings may include meals, bible study, mission projects, and more. All United Women in Faith usually gather together for the annual Christmas Luncheon and Lenten Season Luncheon, A Call to Prayer and Self-Denial.
For more information, contact the President of United Women in Faith or [email protected].