What is Stephen Ministry?

Central United Methodist Church as a Stephen Ministry congregation
Three Central members completed an intensive week of leader training in early 2016 and we now have ten members who have completed the 50 hours of class time and have been commissioned as Stephen Ministers. Our enthusiastic group has been providing one-on-one care to members of our church and individuals from the community.
Central’s Stephen Ministers are dedicated, compassionate friends who guide their care receivers through trying times. They are not trying to “fix” a difficult situation, but provide a caring walk through the journey.
In our short time of having a Stephen Ministry program in our church, it has been a blessing to several individuals and will continue being an important ministry.
Three Central members completed an intensive week of leader training in early 2016 and we now have ten members who have completed the 50 hours of class time and have been commissioned as Stephen Ministers. Our enthusiastic group has been providing one-on-one care to members of our church and individuals from the community.
Central’s Stephen Ministers are dedicated, compassionate friends who guide their care receivers through trying times. They are not trying to “fix” a difficult situation, but provide a caring walk through the journey.
In our short time of having a Stephen Ministry program in our church, it has been a blessing to several individuals and will continue being an important ministry.
Stephen Ministers Care for People Facing Tough Times

We all experience challenges in life - times when we could benefit from care and support. Stephen Ministers can provide the emotional and spiritual care we need when faced with a crisis or difficult situation such as...
- loss of a loved one - hospitalization
- divorce or separation - loneliness or discouragement
- spiritual crisis - unemployment or a job crisis
- terminal illness - incarceration
- aging - birth, adoption, miscarriage, or infertility
- chronic illness - recovery after an accident or disaster
- relocation - many other life challenges
- loss of a loved one - hospitalization
- divorce or separation - loneliness or discouragement
- spiritual crisis - unemployment or a job crisis
- terminal illness - incarceration
- aging - birth, adoption, miscarriage, or infertility
- chronic illness - recovery after an accident or disaster
- relocation - many other life challenges
A Stephen Minister Is...
- A child of God who walks beside someone who is hurting.
- A congregation member who is carefully selected to serve in this role because of his or her caregiving gifts.
- A layperson with 50 hours of training in providing high quality, distinctive Christian care.
- A caring Christian friend who listens, cares, prays, supports, and encourages.
- Someone who meets faithfully each week with his or her care receiver for as long as there's a need.
Central United Methodist Church as a Stephen Ministry congregation
The training of 10 candidates to become the initial team of Stephen Ministers at Central began early in June. This group has completed about 1/3 of the 50 hours of required class time. This group will begin providing one-on-one care to several of our members shortly after the training is finished and they are commissioned as Stephen Ministers. The care can help meet the needs of people who are terminally ill, have lost a spouse or another loved one, are experiencing divorce, are in a job crisis situation, or find themselves in any of a variety of trying circumstances. The Stephen Minister trainees are enthusiastic and eager to learn and will be a huge blessing to our congregation and to their individual care receivers. We thank this dedicated group.
Stephen Leaders
Mr. Bill Fitch [email protected] 864-579-1809 (or) 864-621-5126
Rev. Molly Wilkes [email protected] 864-237-0026
Rev. Paige Wolfe [email protected] 864-582-7263
The training of 10 candidates to become the initial team of Stephen Ministers at Central began early in June. This group has completed about 1/3 of the 50 hours of required class time. This group will begin providing one-on-one care to several of our members shortly after the training is finished and they are commissioned as Stephen Ministers. The care can help meet the needs of people who are terminally ill, have lost a spouse or another loved one, are experiencing divorce, are in a job crisis situation, or find themselves in any of a variety of trying circumstances. The Stephen Minister trainees are enthusiastic and eager to learn and will be a huge blessing to our congregation and to their individual care receivers. We thank this dedicated group.
Stephen Leaders
Mr. Bill Fitch [email protected] 864-579-1809 (or) 864-621-5126
Rev. Molly Wilkes [email protected] 864-237-0026
Rev. Paige Wolfe [email protected] 864-582-7263
Hear true stories from people who received care from a Stephen Minister